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Tarah OSullivan
2 min read
Faith, Hope, Cure for NKH
In the past ten days we have lost two children to NKH. Two beautiful children ….gone…to a preventable death…… Two families have suffered...
Tarah OSullivan
4 min read
The Sandbar..Update
Drake is on day two of still seizing. He did have a few times last night that he was able to sleep. He only had about 5-7 seizures...
Tarah OSullivan
1 min read
Living with NKH
I have so many that ask what living with NKH is like.... It is this... Sunday’s used to be naps and rest... and in some ways it still...
Tarah OSullivan
Dec 2, 20242 min read
Today Is My Birthday!
Today is my birthday, and as Drake and Vivian's mother, I find myself asking for the same thing every year.
"Father, please..."
Tarah OSullivan
Nov 28, 20242 min read
I don't know if I have ever been truly grateful for time. When you are young, all you think about is growing older. When you are older...
Tarah OSullivan
Sep 10, 20245 min read
Let thy Food be thy Medicine
"Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be they food." - Hippocrates Drake and Vivian went through years of trial and error when...
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