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Update on Vivian..

Tarah OSullivan

Vivian fought hard all day and the seizures have been so relentless. She spiked a fever of 102.3 this am and we have done medicines and cool baths to try to get it to come down.

Her little heart rate will spiked up to the 150’s and then down to the 60’s within a matter of seconds from the seizures messing with her brain activity. I can’t imagine how tired she must be. Eric stayed home today to help with all the kids and moving pieces. Not knowing if Vivian was going to turn the corner, and the extra medical needs, makes it difficult to manage alone.

It was about 5 pm when we decided to take her in. Her little body was still not calming and this is going on day three of seizures every 5-10 minutes. Just when we think she was breaking the cycle, she would sleep for an hour, and then the seizures would kick up and back to the pattern she would go.

I was sitting with her in the bathroom when Eric got up from a quick nap. He had not slept much the last two nights staying up with her so I could sleep. I made him lay down to steady his feet. I felt him come up behind me in the bathroom as I was laying Viv back on her bean bag. I had tried to cool her body down in the bath because the meds were a few more hours away before we could give another dose and her fever and seizures were spiking yet again.

I gave him the update and we both knew it was time. She should have already turned the corner, and despite all our efforts, we have to take her in to the hospital. We need to run liver panels, we need to see where her electrolytes are. After seizing this many days she is going to be acidic which can cause a whole host of problems in conjunction to what we are seeing already. We need to check blood, and look at what is going on with her chest X-rays. Seizures cause throwing up which in turn can cause aspiration, and that is always something we have to fear especially with a fever now.

He quickly began packing her medicines and food, as I got her a change of clothes and blankets. We know the bags to grab and what to make sure to pack. Eric and I start to get into a robotic motion as we have had to do this so many times now between Drake and Vivian. The hardest part is always telling the bigs we are having to go into the hospital as it always brings up the hard questions.

We all prayed over Daddy and Vivian and wiped the tears and packed them up. Daddy will go to the hospital while I stay with the bigs and Drake.

We pray we can find some answers to help us navigate Vivian’s tired little body. Thank you for your over whelming support today. It is hard to put into words how humbling to have so many walking with us on this journey.

We will update as soon as we can. Please pray for stamina and for God to calm the storm.

To God be the Glory.

He is Enough.

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Drake Rayden Foundation

501(c)(3) Non Profit

EIN 82-2383660

Our Mission

Mailing Address:

2607 Woodruff Road,

Suite E, PMB 352

Simpsonville, South Carolina

United States, 29681

Our mission is to bring hope through the gospel, raise awareness and funds for better treatment for NKH, and care for special needs families. 

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